Jon Malone

Jon was born and raised in Oklahoma City, OK, as the third of seven children in a committed Christian family. God used his parents, siblings, youth group, and friends in middle school to bring Jon to saving faith in Christ, as well as to teach him what repentance from sin and trust in Christ really looked like. Jon completed his undergraduate (English literature) and Master’s (English Education) degrees at the University of Oklahoma, where he met and married Laura at a local church in Norman, OK. They moved to the D.C. area in 2012, and Jon works in the ESL field with international students at the University of Maryland, where he is also a Ph.D. candidate in Second Language Acquisition. They have been members of CBC since it was planted in 2018, and it has been a great joy to serve with and labor alongside the members in the work of the ministry. Jon enjoys reading books (mostly written long ago), playing sports with his four sons, and conversations about ideas in education, history, and linguistics.


Luke Murry


Abbie Sanders