Karl Russo
The Deacon of Member Care, under oversight of the elders, advises the church on all matters concerning tangible or physical needs of members of the church.
Devon Anderson
The Deacon of Ordinances coordinates the Lord’s Supper and Baptism in the life of the church.
Sara Clauser, Beth Fariss, Tammy Orme
The deaconesses of Children’s Ministry come alongside parents to help faithfully teach children about Jesus Christ in a safe and fun environment.
Matt Sanders
The Deacon of Sound oversees the setup and function of our sound and recording, ensuring that we can hear the sermon in person or later via recording.
Jarrod Heffley
Jarrod supports and coordinates the volunteer teams that set up and tear down all of the equipment we require for our services each Sunday.
Missy Kifetew, Kristin Leeman, Stephanie Robson
The deacons of hospitality strive to ensure all who walk through the doors are warmly welcomed to our worship gatherings.